Fourth-generation farmers, Mike and Doug Pralle, operate Pralle Farms in Hampton, Iowa with their grandfather, Vernon.


Losing their father, Dwight at a young age, Mike and Doug along with their mother, Charlane, inherited the family farm. Though Charlane never wanted them to feel like they had a duty to take over the operation, Mike and Doug both chose to return to the farm. Not because they felt an obligation to it, but because they believed in it as a way of life. And because family was their number one priority. Just like their great-grandfather, grandfather and father, Mike and Doug are proud to be a part of Pralle Farms, and grateful for the opportunity to keep the farm going for generations to come.


Family and friends admire Mike and Doug for their ambition and drive, as well as their willingness to drop everything to help someone in need. They are commended by their farming community for their diligence and respect for their land and those around them. Many have asked them why they farm, and the short answer is, it’s just who they are. And there isn’t a single person who would doubt how proud that would make their dad if he were here today.

Why I Farm - Behind The Movement:

Mike and Doug Pralle

Frank Doll, a fourth-generation dairy farmer, operates Doll’s Dairy Inc. with his parents Homer and Judy Doll. On their farm, they milk 180 cows and raise grain on 700 acres. In addition to managing the day-to-day tasks of the operation, the Bond County farmer is vice president of the Bond County CUSD 2 School Board, president of St. Louis District Dairy Council, past president of the Bond County Farm Bureau, and member of Prairie Farms Dairy Board. Not only is he actively involved in his community and industry associations, but he also helps coach his two sons’ sports teams and hosts field trips to his farm.


 Family and friends commend Frank for a strong work ethic, commitment to the operation, dedication to his community, and a love for his family. Like many farmers, Frank is known for his generosity, always having a positive attitude, and giving a voice to agriculture.

Why I Farm - Behind The Movement:

Giving A Voice To Agriculture

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